Links zu Webseiten von Hardware-Hersteller
United States Department of Defense |
Honoring the Memory of Those Who Have Fallen |
Der Golfkrieg - Wüstensturm und die Folgen
Australian Forces on Iraq - Operation Falconer
"Auf meinen Befehl haben die Streitkräfte der Vereinigten Staaten Angriffe auf terroristische Ausbildungslager von |
El Kaida und militärische Einrichtungen des Taliban-Regimes in Afghanistan begonnen", |
so Bush in seiner Rede an die Nation. Weiter ... |
The Central Intelligence Agency - CIA World Factbook - Afghanistan |
The Canadian Forces Contribution to the Campaign Against Terrorism |
Current photos - Operation Enduring Freedom and around the Fleet |
Navy News Service - current edition |
Ramadan and War - American Forces Press Service, 7 November 2001 |
Alliance: Hand over non-Afghan Taliban to U.N. |
Prisoners revolt as Alliance enters Konduz |
Japanese war effort sets sail |
Afghan leaders begin arriving in Bonn |
Ethnic makeup of Afghanistan |
Military Desk Briefing |
3D Models: U.S. military weapons |
Operation Enduring Freedom - |
Afghanistan -Yahoo |
US Armed Forces - Yahoo |
Terrorism - Yahoo |
America's New War- CNN |
America on Alert - MSNBC |
America Attacked- BBC |
US Striking Back - CBC |
A Nation Challenged- New York Times |
America Attacked- Washington Post |
Combatting Terrorism- Christian Science Monitor |
War on Terror - Times of London |
Afghanistan News- |
America Goes to War- |
Crisis Center- |
America's Response- CNS |
Enduring Freedom - Air Force Link |
Enduring Freedom - US Air Forces in Europe |
Enduring Freedom- CENTCOM |
Enduring Freedom- Army National Guard |
Operation Apollo- Canadian DND |
Attack Response- Whitehouse |
War on Terrorism - CIA |
Nuclear Terrorism - Nucelar Control Institute |
die Inhalte fremder Seiten übernehme ich keine Haftung. |